Carcinoma of the thyroid click to access explanations in the original CAP template

Using 22 mm eyepiece at x40 objective, counting 42 fields = 10 mm2
Divide by 5 to get hot spot mitotic count of 2 mm2

The Ki-67 proliferation index reporting is required in all medullary thyroid carcinomas as well as in the medullary thyroid carcinoma component of mixed medullary and follicular cell-derived thyroid carcinomas. The Ki-67 proliferation assessment should follow the IARC / WHO guidelines. Visual estimation based on routine microscopic examination (also known as eyeballing) is not allowed.

- Surgical margin:

- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at level VI (pretracheal, paratracheal and prelaryngeal/Delphian, perithyroidal (central compartment dissection):
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at level VII (superior mediastinal lymph nodes):
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at Right level I:
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at Right level II:
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at Right level III:
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at Right level IV:
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at Right level V:
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at Left level I:
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at Left level II:
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at Left level III:
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at Left level IV:
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved at Left level V:
- Number of regional lymph nodes involved, specify group:
- Extranodal extension:
- Size of largest metastatic deposit (mm), specify site:
- Size of largest lymph node involved (mm), specify site:

- Other (specify):